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Sibler Münsterhof 16 / Ecke Storchengasse · 8001 Zürich · +41 44 211 55 50
Sibler Viaduktstrasse 39 / Im Viadukt Bogen 24 · 8005 Zürich · +41 44 211 55 51 ·
Markets around the world
Markets around the world
Markets around the world
Markets around the world
3 Pictures
Markets around the world
Markets around the world

Do you want to get to know the country and its people all over the world? Then come along to the weekly market! 24 markets invite you to a great, richly illustrated trip around the world. With many great tips for children and parents.

A visit to a market is always an experience - all the colors and smells, and wherever you look, there are people everywhere. Let's embark on a journey to 24 famous markets around the world and be amazed at what there is to buy! From the floating market in Thailand to the fish market in Chile, from the spice market in Israel to the Great Market Hall in Hungary: there are exciting things to discover at every turn. In addition to many great tips for adults and children and recipes typical of the country, this book offers many more suggestions for visiting the market. The witty market scenes, designed with surprising details, bring us very close to the cultures of other countries in a sensual way.

Aoutor: Maria Bakhareva

Size L / W: 30.0 x 24.0 cm

Pages: 80

Language: German

CHF 34.00

Article no.: B55-611-6123Drucken

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