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Sibler Münsterhof 16 / Ecke Storchengasse · 8001 Zürich · +41 44 211 55 50
Sibler Viaduktstrasse 39 / Im Viadukt Bogen 24 · 8005 Zürich · +41 44 211 55 51 ·
Burger - hurry up and wait
Burger - hurry up and wait
Burger - hurry up and wait
Burger - hurry up and wait
Burger - hurry up and wait
Burger - hurry up and wait
5 Pictures
Burger - hurry up and wait
Burger - hurry up and wait
Burger - hurry up and wait
Burger - hurry up and wait

The game "Ludo's Diner" in fast food design: who wins? The player with the burger, the ice cream, the fries or the soft drink? Or rather: who is annoyed with whom in the end, because the game is also known as "Mensch ärgere dich nicht". The funny game board is sure to provide entertainment and fun.

Size of the box L / W / H: 33.5 x 21.0 x 3.0 cm

Material: cardboard, silicone

Contents: Game board, 16 game pieces, dice

Players: For 4 players

CHF 35.00

Article no.: A38-6600-02Drucken

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